

A Baby Boomer Reflects from the 17th Tee-Box

Jul 2, 2021

After decades of working with major corporations and small capital operations, time management concepts, the ability to change and adjust, and customer service remain critical and recurring themes....

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The Rach Team Will Persevere

Apr 8, 2020

Late last year, our team gathered at our head office in Blaine to celebrate surpassing our 2019 targets. We also spent time analyzing the reasons for our success and identified three corporate feat...

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Déjà Vu - Rach's Solution For A Crisis is Repeated

Feb 10, 2020

Our very first blog focused on solving an issue. A customer had committed himself to a tournament with the assumption that Rach could deliver 300 uniforms sets from Blaine, Washington to an America...

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A Lesson in Soft Skills From One of Japan's Legendary Politicians

Aug 30, 2019

Former Japanese Prime Minister Kakue Tanaka was a legendary politician whose legacy includes developing a construction based economy presence in today's Japan. He built a political faction that rem...

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Never Give up on On-Time Delivery

Jul 22, 2019

Today a shout of joy or maybe it was closer to loud sighs of relief rang through the office when a notification of successful delivery came to our inboxes. One of our shipments was picked up by a c...

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Rebuilding a Community & St. Stephen's Cathedral, Mainz Germany

Feb 19, 2019

Two years ago, my wife Mako, and I visited the St. Stephen's cathedral in Mainz, as an impromptu side excursion, after leaving Frankfurt Airport in our rent-a-car. The impulsive adventure, encou...

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Young Marketing Guru Speaks to the Importance of Branding with Polo Shirts

Oct 15, 2018

Michael Harrison directs the marketing department at UMUC Asia. He's also an accomplished martial artist, competing at international levels in judo and jujitsu. Michael has a Master's degree in man...

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Making the Most of a Delayed Flight

Aug 15, 2018

My flight was delayed at Frankfurt Airport allowing me six hours to travel to the city, visit a museum, and return to continue on to Seattle. My wife and I enjoy the works of Johann Vermeer, a 17th...

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A Millennial's Take on Facebook

Jul 18, 2018

Facebook was launched in 2004, and now, is ingrained in both the private and professional sectors. The pioneering social media platform is more than a place to receive free gifts on Farmville or a ...

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Little Travel Tips That Make a Big Difference

Jul 17, 2018

After experiencing thousands of international business trips and millions of miles in the air, I've compiled a few pointers to encourage the avoidance of the same mistakes. Double check on es...

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Excellence at the USAMSC-K, Directorate for Maintenance in Korea

Jun 12, 2018

"Amateurs talk about strategy. Professionals talk about logistics." General Omar Bradley A few weeks ago, we had the rare opportunity to tour a US military maintenance facility in Waegwan, So...

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"The Joshua Tree" CD and a Few Kind Words

May 9, 2018

Several years ago, my wife purchased a CD at a record shop in Vancouver, Canada. It was "The Joshua Tree" album by U2, and the cashier made a comment that she remembers to this day. "Great alb...

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Taking a Page out of a Great Lodging Manager's Book

Apr 23, 2018

One of our customers is a successful General Manager of a Navy Lodge in Japan. Her credentials include developing the top rated hotel in its class while working for the InterContinental Hotel Grou...

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Custom Online Stores

Feb 27, 2018

Custom online stores are becoming the preferred method of schools and private organizations for fan and team spirit-wear sales. The vehicle allows for ease of ordering, cash control, and virtual p...

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A Little Advice to Millennials - Our Up and Coming Generation

Jan 23, 2018

Millennials are now the largest and most diverse generation in the U.S. population. Ignore these young people and your business or organization will soon be archived. They are transforming commun...

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A Client’s Claim – A Lesson from Harry and David

Dec 27, 2017

There are few things in business more important than careful attention and reaction to a claim from a customer. Recently we found ourselves on the consumer side of a product issue, and the case st...

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Kernel Popcorn Shares His Experience

Dec 11, 2017

Kernel Popcorn is a native of Victoria, British Columbia on the west coast of Canada. He entertains locally but is more familiar to military families stationed around the world. This December marks...

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A Lesson From the Shipping Department

Oct 23, 2017

We're a small operation and feel that we communicate well. Most of our meetings are project specific and we rarely gather as an entire team. Last week we met to discuss business to date and made ti...

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You Don’t Have to Look Far for Inspiration

Oct 11, 2017

Inspiration comes from different sources. My work style and marketing concepts are influenced by creative business gurus such as Seth Godin, Tom Peters, David Avrin and often Ryan Estis. They are...

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Being Better than Good

Sep 15, 2017

Anyone directing a special event or running a business has the challenge of standing out and finding an edge over the competition. It is essential. Marketing expert David Avrin takes this sentiment...

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The Lost Art of the Gift of Flowers and a Thank You Card

Sep 6, 2017

Times change. What was once a common courtesy has become subject matter for marketing gurus and self-help books. The gift of flowers delivered in appreciation and thank you notes have become rare a...

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Lessons from a Japanese Yodeler (Takeo Ishii)

Jul 28, 2017

Imagine growing up with a quality singing voice and excessive passion for the art of yodeling. This would be wonderful for young person in Southern Bavaria, but what if you were born in Tokyo, Japa...

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Marketing the Frostbite Half Marathon

Jul 19, 2017

Several US military bases located in Asia hold open base events that attract large crowds. They act as a vehicle for public relations, create good will in the local community and offer the local ba...

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Time to Appreciate Your Colleagues

Jul 12, 2017

It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so. Mark Twain Several years ago I accepted a position as an assistant coach for a semi-profess...

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When a Restaurant Experience is an Education

Jul 5, 2017

A few years ago my wife and I visited the L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon in Las Vegas. She'd heard great things about the unique restaurant experience and convinced me to make the reservation. A...

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Watch the Go Getters

Jun 21, 2017

Have you ever taken a moment to observe the people that get a lot of things done? I try to emulate these "go getters". Their habits are worth studying. You'll find these people at your office, you...

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Maximizing Exposure Through Careful Usage of Promotional Products

Jun 12, 2017

A 2016 Consumer study published by the PPAI Research Center had very interesting findings important to anyone concerned with advertising. The facts clearly lean in favor of promotional products as...

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Having Fun with Reinvention

May 31, 2017

It's been a lot of fun at Rach Inc. recently. We've reinvented ourselves as a place for ideas and a solution for marketing challenges. Our website has been brought into the current century with a...

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Maximizing Open Base Events

May 17, 2017

Several of our customers host events open to the local Japanese community. They are built around air shows, professional displays, music, cherry blossom season and running events. We've attended ma...

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What's Your Definition of a Hero?

May 5, 2017

The New Sanno Hotel in Tokyo, Japan is relaunching their Hero's Delicatessen. The hotel serves the American Government Community and visitors to Asia's largest city. The choice of the name &l...

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On Time Deliveries

May 5, 2017

Fifteen years ago, my colleague Roger boarded a Seattle flight after checking in five huge hockey bags filled with basketball uniforms. His ultimate destination was Yokota Air Base in Tokyo. H...

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